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Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011 - Sleepless in Shelbyville

Dear sleep...I miss you...I haven't seen you in several days. Every time I begin to visit you Ellie calls on me and I have to stay. I pray I see you soon, my little Ellie is having some tummy troubles that is keeping her from visiting you for long as well. As soon as we get her back on track we will both come for a visit. Sincerely, Sleepless in Shelbyville

The probiotics have made her stools more like baby poop but she is still pooping numerous times throughout the day.  She is up all night and never sleeps more then 2 hours at a time.  The Dr says she should be sleeping about 14 hours a day; 2 naps and 1 longer time during the night.  This is far from what she is doing.  She sleeps for about an hour and is awake for 2 hours.  During the night she may sleep for 2 hours and then is up for 2 hours.  Each time she wakes she fills her diaper.  I think I am going to buy some of those baby gas drops and try giving them to her and see how it goes.  Thank you JESUS this is happening while I am not working.  I could not imagine having to deal with no sleep for 3 days and teach my class.  However, she coughs now and no pain, and she can tolerate being on her stomach for a few seconds before she complains.  God is soo good.


  1. Dear Sleepless ...I anxiously await a long visit from you and your small angle. We will have such wonderful times flying through the air, basking in the sun, and laughing together. My prayers, and kisses are with both of you. Hoping to see you soon LOVE SLEEP.

    Faith am sorry to hear that you & Ellie are still struggling a bit. I sure hope that the Drs. can get this "poopie diddie" situation under control. I hope that with all that going on she's been able to maintain her weight. How's she doing with that?

    It is good though to hear that she's made some progress - being able to cough on her own and spend a little time on her tummy.

    I know this must be stressful for the entire family, and I continue to keep you ALL in my thoughts & prayers.

    Love Lianne

  2. Faith I've been wondering how things are going for the "sleepless pair" in Shelbyville. Hope all is well, and that little Miss Ellie is feeling better.

    Thinking of you all each day, and keeping you in my prayers each night.

